About Me

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I have a passion for social media & advertising marketing with an ambitious soul ready to learn and gain as much experience the world is willing to offer. Everything I learn I'll post on here, that way, you'll learn too!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Involved

Within the last month, I've finally made the commitment to join a club at school. I joined the SDSU Advertising Club, and it's probably the best decision I've made so far in college besides declaring as a Marketing major. I've already learned so much, the guest speakers that come to the meetings are inspirational and amazing, and my networks have definitely expanded-which is the most important thing. Marketing is all about networking, so meeting new people is good, and I also love making new friends!

On top of joining the SDSU Ad  Club, I also joined AD 2 San Diego which is chapter of the San Diego Ad Club. These clubs will keep me busy and on my toes which is what I like, so catch me if you can, I won't have much spare time for awhile!

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