Foursquare is a location-based social network used mostly on mobile devices. You use your smart phone to check-in at the venue you’re currently at. Foursquare check-ins can earn you a new badge, points (that I still don’t know what they’re good for) and some businesses offer special deals when you check-in at their venues. With Foursquare, you can simultaneously post your check-in on Facebook and Twitter, something that checking in just on Facebook doesn’t allow. Facebook check-ins only offer a new status update to show your friends where you’re at.
As a business, you wouldn’t necessarily create a Foursquare account to be part of the fun. You would claim your business instead. Once the business is claimed, business owners are able to add specials to help bring in more traffic to the business location. One thing that businesses should keep in mind is that when a special is created, employees should be aware of the special. This would help avoid confusion when a customer comes in and shows them the unlocked special. It makes the experience less frustrating for the consumer.
I found this Foursquare comedy skit on YouTube, and I thought it was funny so I wanted to share. Also, I drive a Toyota Camry and I noticed that the car the guys are driving is a Camry! Enjoy. :)
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